Android Monitoring

Remotely Track And Control Any Activity On Child’s Android Phones

Live Control

Exclusive Features! Real-Time Experience!

Live Screen

Remotely watch device's screen if your chilren's phone turn on

Live Surround Voice

Remotely open your phone's microphone to listen and record everything that’s going on in the surroundings.

Live Cameras

Remotely activate front or rear camera in case of emergency

Live App Messing

App usage including launches, closures, and everything

Basical Features

This includes messages sent through various social media platforms like Skype, Viber, Facebook and WhatsApp


People may use more than one SIM-card on their phones, so knowing when the card is replaced can help you understand their activity much better.

SIM Card

People may use more than one SIM-card on their phones, so knowing when the card is replaced can help you understand their activity much better.

Text Messages

Monitor your child's SMS and chat messages in order to know whether he is engaged in sexting or sharing inappropriate content with others.

Calllog History

See who your child calls most. to your employees, you can find out whether they leak any confidential information that belongs to your company.

Calendar Entries

Know each and every calendar activity on your kids' smartphone, or access to-do list of your employees.

WiFi History

Record all Wi-Fi connection history and location.

Browser History

Know what your child is doing online and view his internet activity to make sure he is not accessing harmful content.


Keep track of all entries in the user address book. This default feature is useful.

Instant Messenger Chats

This includes messages sent through various social media platforms like Skype, Viber, Facebook and WhatsApp


Facebook Messager
Skype Chats
Line & Kik Chats
Tinder Messages

Remote Recorders

These features gives you great control over your child's phone by giving you remote control access.


This feature is important when you need to know when, how and by whom the target phone is used.

Phone Call Recorder

Listen and record live phone calls as they happen, for training, quality control, or even archiving your own conversations.

Surround Voice Recorder

Send commands and record phone surroundings by accessing the microphone on the target device.

Keyboard Recorder

Real-time typing synchronization, view chats entered in WhatsApp, Facebook, Line, Kik, Viber, Hangouts, Skype and so on

Multimedia And Documents

Protecting your company's intellectual property on company-owned smartphones

Photos & Images

Access and download all the photos saved both on the internal and external SD of the monitored device.


Watch videos from the monitored device and even download them to an offsite storage.


Listening recorded audios from the monitored device and even download them to an offsite storage.


This feature can help you know where your employees or kids are at all times.

Current Location

Always remain informed of your child's whereabouts and track his location so you can be prepared for an emergency.

History Location

See all visited places using a location path, view their route history over a specific period of time

Location Geofence

Set alerts for important locations like your kids’ school, nearby pubs, and discos, and stay notified about their moves all the time.


Every app installed on device can be tracked

Installed Apps List

List all installed apps, installation date, and other details.

App Message Timeline

View usage history including launches, closures, and uninstallations.

App Activity

It graphically shows usages of every app every day

3 Steps To Android Tracking

It is very easy to install our monitor app, and whole process takes just few minutes.

Sign Up

Sign Up for your free online account: enter email and any password

Prepare Device

Download and install our monitoring app after login your online account

Start Tracking

Log in to our Control Panel to start monitoring on the monitored device remotely.