The Internet is an open resource where a smart child can access everything from the modern decor to pornography making parental supervision difficult. At the same time, the internet is a great resource where your kids can explore interesting topics, make new friends and learn some interesting skills.
Being the guardian of our kids we want to assure that they will not have to suffer because of the dark side of internet. Kids often search for interesting content or cartoons on internet but unfortunately they often attract wrong type of people. They can be cybercriminals, virus or hackers who are dangerous for kids. The goal of parents to protect their children depends on the personal belief of the parent and the maturity level of the children.
Make sure your child participates in good activities. They should have minimum free time when you get bored. Children who have nothing to all day are easily involved in crazy and stupid ideas of entertainment. It’s when the parents get into trouble. Try to keep an open line of communication with your children. If they know they trust you, they will be more willing to let you help them solve their problems, rather than trying to hide them to make them worse.
If you are also worried about your children and want to keep them safe online, here are the best 12 tips for you. These tips will help your kids to avoid the dangers of the Internet.
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Make internet time your family time
The time spent in front of a screen should not always be their alone time. See, play and interact with your children when they are using the internet and it will encourage social interactions, connections, and learning. Spend time, play games or read a book to your little ones. This is a good way to prove the etiquette and fitness of the game. Share funny stories from your childhood, play mind games or ask them about their experiences at school. Become an important part of their life and do not just handover them a smart device so you can focus on work. Your kids need your attention not a phone to play. You will learn more about your children’s interests and you can direct them to websites that are best for their age.
Define some boundaries
Think about what makes sense to your kids. This can limit the time spent on the Internet or on certain types of sites they can visit. Give authentic reasons to your children why you have set such limitations, so they can understand the benefits that come with it. You can even write down the rules and reward your children when they obey you. You can set a example by following the rules with your children. Decide consequences in advance and try to implement just but consistent consequences when you break the rule. When your child has grown up, he will want to reconsider these rules.
Know the value of face-to-face communication
Parents should realize the importance of face to face communication. Talk to them about the pros and cons of the internet before its too late. Warn them against malware, dangerous sites, and authors. Tell them that you care for them, talk to them honestly and listen to what they want to say. Two-way communication is the best way to teach teenagers and youngsters. Participating in a two-way talk is essential for language development. Research has shown that the face to face communication improves language skills rather than passive listening or unidirectional interaction with the screen.
Remind your children not to talk to strangers
Make it clear that strange people online are not friends. Tell your kids how people lie about their age so they can pretend to be kids while they are adults in reality. Confirm that your children should never disclose personal information such as name, address, phone number, school name or even the name of their friends. Knowing some of this information can help an online predator find their son in real life. Your child should not meet anyone under any circumstances without his permission. If you have agreed on a meeting, make sure to go with them and go to a public place.
Teach them privacy and its importance
The Internet has some good sides as well as some bad sides. Unfortunately, children are mostly attracted to the bad side of the internet and have to deal with the consequences later. Teach your children about bad things happening online and show them how privacy is important. Children’s should be aware that once the content is shared with others, they will not be able to delete it completely and include text messages that contain inappropriate images. They may also not know or choose not to use privacy settings and should be aware that sex offenders often use social networks, chat rooms, emails, and online games to communicate and exploit them.
Know passwords
If your kid is asking to have social accounts use your email address to create accounts so you can keep an eye on activities of your child. Do not use names of your younger child while creating social media accounts. Remember the password. But respect the age restrictions on the accounts. If a site says you must be 18 to register, your child may have to wait. Let your kids know that you will keep checking their accounts, so they will avoid any wrong activities. Spy on your children’s phone without your knowledge can alter their self-confidence.
Observe the changes in your children’s behavior
The Internet has a direct impact on your child’s behavior. Using too much internet, children may become aggressive, angry, selfish and impatient. If behavior of your child is becoming secretive chances are someone is targeting them in a wrong sense. You should immediately take action before it is too late. Pay attention to mood and behavior of kids and ask them if you notice anything wrong.
View your children’s browsing history
As a parent, your job is to protect your children, limit inappropriate content, and make sure your kids follow it. Then do it. Look for parental control facilities and talk to authorities for permanent blockage of any wrong or sexual content. Open your child’s web browser and search for history to view the list of websites he has visited. Do not forget to check deleted files. Develop a habit of checking your child’s browser’s history. You can do it on all your devices: mobile phones, computers, and iPads. In case the history is deleted, ask your child.
Model a responsible and honest behavior online
Children learn and adopt things by watching their parents. Parents should model a very responsible and honest behavior online. So try some good practice examples online when you use the devices. Think about what you post on Facebook, especially about the photos of your children or their friends. Before uploading a photo of your children, consider if they would be comfortable with the sharing of these pictures.
Search engines should have restrictions
Apply limitations on the type of content your kids can or cannot search on search engine. Only use the search engines that offer your such facilities. Just go to Google search preferences and activate SafeSearch. This will block the most explicit content that can appear during searches. Although this does not prevent them from going directly to an undesirable place, it will prevent them from accidentally accessing something.
WiFi access should be limited
Stalkers and bullies are common of internet. For protection of kids you should limit the access and usage of WiFi and digital device. Remember, if your child is accessing the Internet through a public WiFi network, they may not have active security features. Some service providers are part of familiar WiFi schemes containing filters to block inappropriate content
Educate yourself
Most of the parents are behind their kids with regard to the latest Internet technologies. Today’s kids have plenty of options on social media, download movies, chat with stranger’s online, post information about themselves that others can watch, and surf the Internet at looking for recent information, good or bad. As a parent, you need to know what is available and how the system works.
Use TTSPY Parental Control App

In case you are worried and unable to reach out to your children using a spying app is the best solution. TTSPY is one of the best apps available that will allow you to spy on your kids without letting them know. From the messages to call logs you will get all the information that you need that will allow you to protect your kids before it is too late.
Children will make mistakes using the media. Try to understand the mistakes and let them learn from their mistakes. However, some cases of negligence, such as sending text messages, bullying or self-destructing images, can be a warning sign for future problems. Parents should carefully monitor the behavior of their children and, if necessary, seek help from a professional or from the family doctor. There are many useful resources for children available online from learning opportunities to fun videos and from research for education to communication with family and friends.